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Golf Services

Golf Services

Club Regripping, Fitting Repair

Need a club regripping, fitting or repair? Stop by the Golf Shop and let us take a look, we offer a wide array of services including regripping, loft adjustment, lengthening and shortening, & custom club fitting.  We have you covered. In the pro shop, we are Callaway-certified at club fitting. Have something else in mind?  Give us a call or stop by and explain your needs, and we will do everything we can to make your clubs perfect for your golf game.

Golf Lessons

Lessons are the perfect way to improve your game.  Whether you desire a small fix or a complete swing overhaul… whether you are experienced golfer or just starting to learn the game… whether you are in your youth or in your prime years…PGA Professional Jack Shoger can work with you one on one to help assist you with your needs.

Adult Lesson Packages

Adult Lesson:  $125.00
Junior (18 & Under) Lesson:  $62.50

Adult & Junior Golf Classes

Abbey Springs offers classes for both adults and juniors on select weekends throughout the summer.  Learn fundamentals and prepare to bring your game to the course. Proper etiquette and safety will be taught. Classes will cover basic full swing fundamentals, putting and stroke fundamentals, chipping, pitching and sand shots, as well as taking your game from range to course.

The clases are run via Big Foot Recreation at Abbey Springs, and taught by Abbey Springs PGA Instructor Jack Shoger.

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