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Abbey Springs has 3 permanent Pickleball courts.

Courts are available to unit owners and rec members for free by reserving courts at  

Please click on the following link to see all Reservation policies and guidelines:

Reservation Policies and Guidelines
  1. Proper Athletic attire must be worn on the courts at all times.  NO SANDELS or STREET SHOES will be allowed.  Shirts must be worn at all times.
  2. Abbey Springs staff will schedule all lessons, leagues, open plays, tournaments, special events, etc in advance so everyone knows the designated times.  All reservations on have priority over walk up court usage.  Open play times take precedence over reservations. 
  3. Please contact Tennis Director John Reed directly at (608) 444-6478 with any questions about the program. John can also be reached at [email protected]

Adult Programs

Co-ed round robin play for all levels.  Drop in to meet your Abbey Springs neighbors and play pickleball! There is no charge for this event.

Monday-Saturday 8am-11am

Register Now

Saturday, August 18th


For Beginners who have never played the game before.  Rules, basic shots, and scoring will be covered along with doubles play.  Paddles will be provided. Limited to 12 people.

Cost Free for unit owners $15 for guests

Sunday, June 23rd
8-9am Intermediate/Advanced Players 3.0-4.0

Cost $15 Unit Owners $20 Rec/Tennis Members

Cardio Pickleball is a fun way to stay in shape and fine tune your game. Get ready to hit tons of balls and run! This group activity will feature live games and drills to give players an ultimate high energy workout. This program includes a warm-up and cardio workout set to music. This is a co-ed program.

Please fill out a form for each person attending.

Saturday July 20th

4:00-5:00pm - 7-10 Years Old
5:00-6:00pm - 11-15 Years Old

Games and drills for kids! No experience necessary, all equipment provided. Music, prizes, and fun!


$20 for unit owners

$25 for rec members/guests

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